Thursday, June 7, 2018

Procrastinate a little longer...

One of these things is not like the other.
Yesterday was a fruitful day.  I cleared my schedule to study all day.  When I was in my 20s, studying late into the night was easy.  One time I stayed up all night for a Math 1001 exam.  And I learned this - never stay up all night to study.

I can't even attempt that now in my 40s.  I fall asleep when I read at night.  I can cram for an hour or two if I really need to (you know... when I gotta post online before 11pm)... but I'm not efficient.  So, I have arranged my schedule to study during daytime hours when I can.

The day began with coffee.  Of course.  (I quit coffee one time and it was amazing after I found Dandy Blend - available at The Healthy Vibe.  I intend on doing this again - after school.)  And then I HAD to post something on my business Facebook page.  And respond to people who sent messages.  I truly did have a few emails to attend to for my business.  And I had to eat... oatmeal... the leftover pizza is gone, thank gawd!  I can finally eat a little healthier.  It was now 10:00ish.  Time to hit the books.

So I had to organize my study space. 

And review my study plan.... make adjustments because I had not gotten it all done the day before.

More coffee. 

Sit to study.  Bing!  Oh... a text from my husband!  He rarely texts during the day... must be important.  Must check.  Awwww.... just checking in to see how my study is going.... I tell him I'm distracted... he suggests I hit my yoga mat.  Oooo... good idea!

Feeling lonely... decide to search for a yoga class.  Check out three local studios... plan to go at noon. 

Hit the books.... hungry (maybe not really).... cook lunch with enough left over for supper.... it's healthy though:)

Text with oldest daughter... check school online courses to see if anyone responded to my post from the day before... check Facebook to see if anyone responded to my earlier post on my business page...

Somehow a lot of time passed.   Ok, ok.... it's still morning... almost.  Just get at it.  Can't go to yoga at noon now... haven't even studied yet.  Check out later classes.... decide to go before picking up daughter from afterschool.

Open book..... begin.  Study.  Yes... real study... 1 hour... 2 hours...

Gotta clean the kitchen.  It's driving me nuts. 

Study.  I should bake muffins.  Go to kitchen.... NOOOO... WHAT?  STUDY, TINA!!

Study.... It. Takes. So. Long. To. Complete. One. Chapter.

It's late in the afternoon.  Decide to head to a coffee shop.  Crap... gotta get ready.... wash face and stuff.  Do that.  Go to coffee shop.  See people I know.  Chat with one - a former meditation and yoga student.  He asks if I'm back to teaching... he wants to return to my classes... makes me feel good.  Hear another's laugh... no, Tina, do not go over to talk to him... because... study!

But it was really, really nice to go out and be around people.  I am introverted, but not extremely... I do thrive on being around people some of the time.  I managed to get an article read.

Once I pick my daughter up, family obligations and responsibilities kick in.  My husband put her to bed, so I could.... clean out my gmail.  I mean, when you have an exam in two days, it's the best time to clean out thousands of emails.  Right?

#the47yearoldstudent #procrastinatingstudent #worldsbestprocrastinator

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