I studied all week, or at least I planned to.
- Monday was a holiday. That would be good for a typical student, I suppose... but not for students with kids. I did very little study that day.
- Tuesday, my youngest was home sick from school. I also had to do a presentation for a client so had to find a sitter. My mom was sick. My Dad came to the rescue! I did very little study that day.
- Wednesday, I studied half the day, and then my daughter and I drove my husband to the airport to go to the Ottawa Marathon - yes, he's running it. I get to study and he gets to run a marathon and visit family and friends. Is there something wrong with this picture?? But I digress...
- Thursday, I had another client, but I did manage to get a lot of study in. Oh... and I started feeling sick myself.
- Friday, my youngest started the day sick again... but she did go to school by mid-morning. Then I studied hard, stopping only to eat a whole lot of junk food, get water/coffee, and pee. By 3:00 p.m. my brain was full. I did not think I could fit anything else in. However, I felt like I still had so much left to do. Actually, I did. So I got a shower. And I made some more coffee. And I picked what I thought was most important and tried to memorize a few more things before I wrote my exam at 7 p.m. Good thing. Those few things WERE on the exam! Yay me!
First, what's with the correlation of junk food and studying? I know better. I know certain foods are better for stress - I picked the absolute worst foods that exist... or should I say, non-foods. I made a special trip to purchase 'study food'. Yes.... I had very little time for study but manage to get to the store to purchase study food. I have a Holistic Nutritionist - Jessica Mitton... check her out... she rocks! What would she say if she knew.... I felt like a balloon and gained about 5lbs in a few days... what 47 year old woman wants this to happen?! I'm peri-menopausal and hormones are already wreaking havoc with my body. I'm on an eat clean, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress food mission (80-20 rule). I kept to my 80-20 rule... in the reverse!
Anyway, with a sick kid (which is really rare in this house!), traveling husband, a business to run, and an exam to study for, my brain had a workout.
Some are probably reading this thinking, so what? I have done all that and more! And, you know what? So have I! I worked 15-20 hours a week, went to school full time, was a single mom, had no car nor family to help out where I was living, and finished my undergrad that way. Happily and successfully. I worked full-time, was a single mom, and completed my Master's degree part-time... and did all the things moms do... fundraising, school volunteering, car pooling, mama & mini socializing, party planning, etc. So I get it.
But my brain does not work the same way it used to.
Last Fall, I had a cognitive episode that sent me to the emergency room and followed with a plethora of tests. The results? My doc said all was normal... even my EEG showed normal deterioration for a 47 year old brain. What?! Deterioration? What?!
I know a teensy bit about brain deterioration. I study and teach mindfulness and meditation. I also practice it, so I hoped it was positively affecting my brain. And maybe it was.
I was diagnosed with burn-out and depression. And my prescription was to recalibrate my life (because I turned down the meds... that's a story for another time). Let me tell you, a few years back, I would have agreed with this diagnosis (and taken the meds) because I was in it full blown. In fact, it was so bad, I did not even go to the doc. I could barely keep it together for the responsibilities I had, let alone make a doctor appointment and actually show up. I think that's the story for a lot of people with burn-out and/or depression. But last Fall... there was no more denying it.
My brain had given me the message. I was regularly and frequently fighting for words that are in my normal vocabulary (my 6-year old continues to remind me I do this - isn't it great to have young children around when you are at your worst?). I had teensy memory loss blips that could be normal... for a 47 year old!!!.... but I took them as messages. And I changed my life... or at least I'm working on changing my life. Lol.... how long does that take?!
I changed my business to be less chaotic. I started exercising more (I have a lot of physical spin-off issues from mental health challenges... or maybe the mental health challenges are from physical issues... it's all a blur... regardless, it's all there and it's all real, so exercise does not look like it used to either). I saw my Holistic Nutritionist and started getting my food sorted to match what my body needed.
Then I started school. Because I didn't want to wait any longer. Because I was getting older. Because my brain needed something. Sweet lord. It's been a brain workout. It's probably exactly what this ol' brain needs to keep sharp... errr... continue to work somewhat effectively. I know this is good for my brain. Although, I had a complete brain fart in my exam. I KNEW an answer... but I completely forgot it. I could see the words written on the paper... I breathed deep into my belly to relax so my nervous system would stop interfering with my memory... but nope. Not there. So I wrote on my exam paper, "COMPLETE MIND BLANK! :)"
If nothing else, the prof may get a chuckle. And I got a brain workout.
I expect I passed the exam, by the way. I don't expect I did very well. But I passed. And I successfully studied and remembered a lot of stuff. And my brain is better off for it.